
Situated in Anuradhapura District in the North Central province of Sri Lanka,  about 16 km on the way to Trincomalee road from Anuradhapura to the East.

Mihintale regarded as the cradle city of Buddhism for Sri Lanka, where the first visit of Arahath Mahinda Thera, son of Empire Ashok been recorded in the chronicle of Sri Lanka Mahawamsa. Though the Buddha hood visited the Island for 3 times during his salvation yet there was a need of introduction of the doctrine to the new people descendant from Prince Vijaya, son of King Sinhabahu.  

It was the reign of King DevanampiyaTissa in years of 247 -210 BC, there was a festival organized at Mihintale for all civilians including members of Royal families. Before starting the festival on that full moon day of the month June, the King and the team was in hunting near the mountains of Mihintale. In the chronicle says that God Sakra appeared in front of King as a deer, King was after deer for hunt with his supporters . Deer ran away close side by the Ambastala rock in Mihintale and King chasing after it. Suddenly King was stoped there for some ones call by his name Tissa. King was afraid of Yaksha thinking who is able call me by my name except Yaksha (Devil) in this country. And in the second call King found the 7 stranger on the summit of the Ambastala peak. There he explained by the Arahath Mahinda who they are and why they are here in this Island. King was wondering how they were able come here without knowing his people and asked, how they did travelling up there on the summit this rock. Arahath Mihindu answered no sea neither land. King realised that they arrived through the air and welcome them to the Island.

Arahath Mihindu is on his mission to disclose the doctrine here, before start any thing should clarify the eligibility of understanding the philosophy. Thera asking the King are you the ruler here, and the King answered yes I am the King here. And then Thera started the next pointing a tree close by him,

  1. Do you know the name of this  tree ?
  1. Yes this is a Mango tree

  1. Is there any other mango tree other than this mango tree
  1. Yes there are many other mango trees over there

  1. Are there any other trees other than mango trees 
  1. Yes there are many other trees other than mango trees

  1. Are there a tree other non mango trees and other mango trees
  1. Yes that would be this Mango tree

Arahath Tera identified the King is wise but to make sure he went for another round,

  1. Do you have relations here
  1. Yes I have many relations here

  1. Are there any other people here other than your relations
  1. Yes there are many people other than my relations

  1. Are there a people other than relations and non relations of you
  1. Yes that would me my self 

Having confirming the ability of the King Arahath Mihindu Tera started preach the Buddha Dharmma to King and his people at the Mihintale. At the first sermon King and many of the members become Sovan Pala (First stage of the Nirvana)

Every thing has changed according the teaching of Arahath Mihindu, many thousands of royal family members become monks, started building monastic complexes, relic chambers and related constructions work continued for developments, King become servant of all people and animal living in the Island. King ordered marking  boundaries for wild animals in which Mihintale probably the' first wild life conservation  in the world.  Started building huge reservoirs and irrigation system to feed paddy fields making the country for prosperous nation.

Since then until 10th century Mihintale has being continued to develop under later Kings of Anuradhapura in which can be seen today at ruins refectory  room where still existing its rice boat which can served for 3000 monks at once, monastic complexes with modern and rock cave system including all amenities such as hospital, water supply and bathing facilities like Sinha Pond,  highly improved sanitary conditions, Sacred stupa which enshrine Buddha's relic  and the very unique access way to complex by 2 sides. 

 Mihintale hide inside the jungle after falling of Anurdhapura in 10th Century.

Today there are many visitors to Mihintale both foreign and local to see the gigantic culture we had in this country. The temple on the summit of the Mihintale mountain is keeping control of the site though the many of the ancient monument are nominated as National Heritage under Government Department Archaeology Ministry of National Heritage.

Interesting places can be examine in Mihintale
Refectory room
Slab inscription
Mihindu Seya
Maha Seya
Kantaka Chetiya
68 rock caves, where can see the Brahmi inscriptions belongs to BC centuries
Brahami inscription side way of the rock carved steps
Mihindu Cave
Kaudiya Pokuna
Sinha Pokuna
Naga Pokuna
Ayurveda Hospital
Ambastala Rock
Elephant Rock
Natural jungle and its habitats / specially birds

To be continue later with more info
By : Eranga Jayasinghe
Ref : Mahawamsa
Picture : by Google image 

Mihidu Seya

The Seya was build at the peak of Mihintale enshrining some relics of the Arahath Mihindu Thera by King  UpaTissa in 210 -200 BC, younger brother of King DevanampiyaTissa of 247-210 BC. 
It has been revealed by the B C Brahmi letters found on some bricks at the site, must be the  particular Seya which mentioned in the Mahawamsa. Having concerning these facts this Seya become one of the oldest Seyas in Sri Lanka.

Archaeological excavations have been started during the 1940s at the site were able to found the relic  chamber in 1941. The conservation work completed in 1951 have discovered that Seya was once dilapidated in the centuries of 7-8 were erected larger than its' original size when it was built in the first time.
After the conservation work done Mihindu Seya proclaimed on an archaeologically secured monument. 
By Eranga Jayasinghe
Ref: Site inscription 

Slab Inscription of King Mahinda-iv at Mihintale 

These two slab inscriptions remaining its best condition which was placed here by the 10th century King Mahinda  iv (956 - 972) AD, who ruled the Island from Anuradhapura City.

The inscription notify the Capital City Anuradhapura at the time and detail information of administration work conduct here  at Mihintale Monastery.
  • Rules and regulations pertaining to the monk  community.
  • Intervention of the State.
  • The wages and allowances of the employees of the Vihara
  • Information regarding the work involved with the Vihara
  • Information  of relic house and special monastic builds of the Vihara.
were recorded in details.  Interestingly the King  given orders to keep complete set of records of income and expenditure, monthly  accounts, annual accounts of Profit and Loss and Balance sheet to public  in order to conduct proper management without corruption.
Perhaps this is the oldest record found in the world that indicates statutory  enactments making it compulsory for business enterprises to prepare complete set of accounts.

It is clear that King  Mahinda - iv had a long term vision to manage an unwanted involvements in the major Buddhist temples at the time Abayagiri in Anuradhapura and Chetiya of Mihintae after his reign. This inscription dated on his 16th or the last year of ruling the country.  He had clearly mentioned the royal law for the activities happened to be in this temple on these two inscriptions.

The inscription at the left side of the building indicate comprehensive details of rules and  regulations should followed by the monks, staff and tenant who related to the Mihintale monastic complex . in which some of them are;
  • The behaviour and Buddhist conduct of monk community
  • Daily rituals  should followed by the monks including the manner of taking food
  • Commitments that monks to practise in Buddhist society
  • Conditions apply to monks who are well-being and not
  • Law and taxation to practises for community involvements in the temple premises
  • Manner of using public areas of the temple premises
  • Law & Regulations for the community involve other than monks for any business in temple and its premises or land given and controled by the temple
  • Administrational conditions and management levels that temple should involve
  • Conditions apply for payments and allowances of all workers
  • Law of the natural resources and wild animals
  • Level of liquidity
  • Recruitment laws and Termination conditions applying for those who are not able to meet these requirements, etc..
The inscription at the right side of the building  clearly indicate the value of each and every layman and others should pay and legal entitlements  according to their positions and designation in this community , which including the Chief  administrative monk who manage the temple to the laundry worker of the village and all between top to bottom who involve in the process of continuation of the temples' life. In this inscription there are about 51 families involve in completing this mission including the Chief priest of the temple.

*Prepared by; Eranga Jayasinghe 
*Ref: Story and the details taken by the modern inscription at the site by Department of Archaeology at Ministry of National Heritage / Picture copied by google  images.

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