Thursday, December 23, 2010

Man On The Land

The Bible does the easy good work of introducing man to Earth. Science has been looking into deep inside the life. At last science will not find any answers for how did the life begun but will look in to replace the electronic creature in to the future. I know there are theories about it but life is much longer than it is on Earth.

We are human, where are we going? Do you have an idea about your destination? I don't know how many of you do. However, we are all defend our self with what we believe, of course it is easy to survive, it always keep us happy. At the end of the day all scientists, and all scholars come to a solution as describe in the Bible though they are critically looking for answers.

It is fortunate or unfortunate that I can't stop there and waiting to hear the same story again. Here in my country there is a different theory about the life and its' end. It is debatable, logical and scientific.  

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