Mighty Gods

Samana Devala Ratnapura

Sabaragamuva Maha Saman Devala is located in close proximity to the Ratanapura City in Sabaragamuwa Province where about 6 km from the town. From Colombo via Panadaura road there are about 56 miles towards South East to the Devala. If takes the other way via Avissawella road about 67 miles towards to the same direction. It is only about 2 ½ hours drive from Colombo to the Devala.

Recorded History
Devala was first built in the period of King Parakramabahu II in 13th century (AD 1235-1270) by a minister of the King called Aryayakamadeva. Story says that Aryayakamadeva went to Gem mining wowing to the God Saman to have a blessed one for him. He was gifted with a huge Ruby almost about size of a Cucumber from the Gem pit. Then he has full fill his wow making the shrine building for the God Saman in this premises.
Thereafter some time later in the period of King Parakramabahu VI in 1452 an ascetic called Neelaperumal developed the Devala and gifted land adjoining to the main shrine premises. Today the area spread over on 10 acres of land.

This living God also believed to have one of the 4 Gods who protecting the Island from the four sides (Satarawaram Deviyan). Other Gods are by namely God Vishnu, God Kataragama and God Vibishana in this group of Gods.  
God Saman is well known character in the history of Sri Lanka both the Buddhist tradition as well as the Hindu tradition.
According to the Hindu tradition God Samna is the brother of Rama who defeated King Ravana of Lanka during their war in Ramayanaya Legend. After won the war Rama has appointed his brother Luxmana or Saman to take care of the region.  And in the Buddhist tradition the God Saman is the person who built the first Stupa in Mahiyagana Chetiya completely with Blue Sapphire at a height of 7 Riyans and the circumference of 21 Riyans enshrining the Hair Relic of Lord Buddha on his first visit to the Island for protecting the Island from Yaksha’s inhabitant. And then again God Samna has requested Lord Buddha to print his foot print on the summit of the mountains he lives on Samanala Kanda on his 3rd visit to the Island followed by the request of Naga King Maniakkitha of Keleniya region.

Location, Tradition and the Rituals
Behind of the shrine is famous ‘’Kalu River (Kalu Ganga)’’ and the front side is facing to the Ratnapura and Horana National road way. The main shrine room of the God Saman actually facing the mountain Sri Pada or the Samanala Kanda. It is said that God Saman visiting the mountain daily to warship the Holly Foot print of Lord Buddha at the summit of the mountain. Not only visiting but also the God who being controlling the whole area for the betterment of all. Even today people of the Sabaragamuwa and whole country believe that the God Saman is the Guardian protector of Gems in Sri Lanka. Therefore any one engages in gem mining needs the blessing of God Saman to digging their pits.
Other related interesting story I know that the temple (PothgulVihara) located other side of the black river (Kalu Ganga). People of the village say that this Buddhist temple belongs to the period of King Walagamaba in 1st century BC as he was recruited and trained his army every part of the Sri Lanka to defeat South Indian invaders. It is a rock cave temple with huge reclining Buddha statue. The interesting part is that water stream flowing through underneath the rock cave temple. People of the village explain that miracles happening there between the temple and the Saman Devala. One miracle is that ladies who are not blessed to have babies could become able after drinking this water. And other miracle is that if you place a flower in the water stream flowing through the rock underneath, will appeared from the water well in the Saman Devala gardens. It is not possible to think the connection between the two places where there is a huge river flowing through in between these two locations.
Apart from these unusual rituals could perform at the premises of God Saman, common festivals and daily rituals are taking place in this Devala at ceremonial times in the morning and evening and again weekly, monthly and then annual Perahara Festival in the month of August. Esala (August) Perahara is the biggest festival after the very important event of Sri Pada venerating season, every year Sri Pada season or the climbing of mountain Sri Pada beginning on the full moon day of the December to warship the foot print of Buddha for general public. To start this event God Saman will takes the lead as a first visitor of every year and then the last devotee on Full moon day of April by returning himself to the Saman Devala. This event symbolize by taking a statue of God Samana to the shrine room on the summit of the mountain and returning back after end of the season. These two occasions celebrate by a different Perahara Festival joining many thousands of devotees every year. 
Other interesting event is that anyone who wants to become a professional in the dancing of Sabaragamuwa traditional sector must have to perform them self in front of the Devala to get the permission to be a professional dancer after finishing the training by professional teacher.
God Samna is just everything for the people who believing him to get help for their all needs and wants of day to day life. For many people he is a living God, in some stories of people have believing that he has being rescuing many hundreds of devotees in the thick rain forest who went lost themselves in the early days of Sri Pada climbing. Even today people believe that he is yet come out to speak to some devotees in a human form. No matter what you believe it is his mighty power that you takes up to the summit of the mountain and return back without an injury.

Style of the of the Devala is more like a Buddhist temple but the different here is that the Buddhist shrine room must be more newer than to the God’s Shrine, come to a conclusion of explanation taking consider of the location of Buddha image house and the God’s Shrine room. In general Buddha image house being central to all other shrine rooms in temples but here the God Saman’s shrine room has been centrally built up placing the Buddha’s image house on side of the shrine room, giving a clue that shrine building was older than Buddhist temple here. Probably this might be the place where the God Saman originally lived long before the Buddhism introduced when the Rama invade the Ravana in the period of Epic Ramayan.

Resent History and the monuments
After invasion of Portuguese in the Island they has been destroyed many parts of the Devala and control the area as they wished. In the period of Seetawaka Rajasinghe (Rajasinghe II) during the period of 1635 – 1687 AD has fought back the Portuguese from the area and rebuilt the Devala. A sword presenting at the Devala believed to have the one that used to defeat the Portuguese during the war by King Rajasinghe II.
The other unusual object at the shrine premises is the stone tree that growing up gradually in a form of vine plants, could be seen at the main building even today at any time when you visit the Devala.
At the lower level of the shrine room building aside of the main entrance stair way there is a sculpture representing Portuguese soldier killing a local soldier on the ground. As there are many ruined pillars standing here and there within the premises telling us the story of new formation of the building.  

By: Eranga Jayasinghe 

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