Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Velgama Vihara 

This temple is situated on Trincomalee Anuradhapura road (A12) about 15 km Northeast of Trincomalee town. There is a sine board erected on the A-12 highway at the beginning of the B-447 secondary road running towards the ancient temple complex. 

The archaeological heritage found in the 19th century and conservation work has been taken place since then. However, the LTTE (Liberation Tamil Tigers of Elam) controlled of area for the last 30 years until September 2009, when the temple was again abandoned. In the year 2000, there was a brutal attack by LTTE killing many innocent devotees including children for no reason. Chief monk is surviving after serious surgery from the attack.

According to the archaeological explanations this temple was built here during the 3rd century BC by King Devanampiyatissa who ruled the country from Anuradhapura and was known as who become the first Buddhist in modern history of the country. Architectural designs and building planning are very similar to the ruins found in Anuradhapura in the same period.
The temple has been renovated and developed by many Kings and Quins from the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa periods with good evidence of Hindu architectural influences.

A rock inscription was found at the temple in the Tamil language, proving that there were Tamil Buddhist devotees who looked after this temple in the early centuries. According to some historians, that inscription story is about a Tamil cattle farming lady who donated her income to the temple after selling her cow milk.
The temple was completed with all elements of Buddhist temples including the Bodhi Tree, Relic Chamber (Thupa), and Image house. There are two images of Buddha, a reclining statue and a standing statue in the main shrine room. The main shrine building is more influenced by South Indian architecture. At the entrance of the shrine room could see 4 smaller shrine rooms on both sides believed to have placed 4 images of Buddhas' of this eon.
Unfortunately, all statues were destroyed including the building itself but the main statue at the center remains in good condition in Abya Muddra.
The reclining Buddha statue only be considered from the remaining brickwork which is not be able to understood some one who is not familiar with Buddhist monuments. 
Bodhi Tree premises are easy to identify with its wall and the decoration but there is no Bodhi Tree alive anymore at the premises.
The Relic chamber has been destroyed, which was restored up to certain level to indicate the fact that a complete Stupa was rising to the sky. Relics enshrined here are not sure where I haven't found any related story yet.

By: Eranga Jayasinghe 
Ref: I visited the temple with 13 Canadian and American tourists on 10th April 2013. They came on a cruise to the Trincomalee port and we went on a sightseeing tour. We met the chief monk and he told us the story of the LTTE attack in the year 2000. In a small room at the temple display some pictures taken soon after the attack. Also, he showed us, the healed wounded marks on his stomach by the Tamil Tigers' attack.
Historic relations were briefed by Mr. Hettiarachchi who is a retired officer of the Sri Lanka Tourism Authority on the day before when we visited the site for pre-studies of the history.     


Seruwawila Royal Buddhist Temple (Raja Maha Vihara)

An ancient Royal Patronage Buddhist Temple situated near the west side of Ullackalie Lagoon in Trincomalee district in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka.
Can reach there in several ways, from Trincomalee 44 km towards the south on the A-15 national roadway, and then B-347 (by B-347, 50 km) or the next road after the B-347 towards the south. From Kantale it is about 51 km on the B-10 roadway towards the east. From Polonnaruwa, it is about 121 km by the A-11 roadway towards the east and then the A-15 roadway towards the north. From Batticaloa just 97 km by A-15 strait towards the north.  

What is enshrined in the Stupa (Pagoda) - The sacred forehead relic of Lord Buddha.
The King Kawantissa of Ruhuna in the 2nd century BC, received the sacred relic for his custody and patronage through the lineage of his royal ancestors.  By the wish of Lord Buddha the King brought the Relic from Magampura to the present premises at the border of ‘’Seru Lake’’ which is close to the Rock Cave ‘’Waraha’’ on the right bank of the Mahaweli River.

The records of ancient chronicles such as Pali Nȧlata Dhatuwansa, Jinakalamali, and Sinhala Dhatuwansa explain that The Lord Gauthama Buddha visited here with five hundred Arahath (enlightened) monks on his 3rd visit to Sri Lanka in the 8th year after becoming the Great Buddha hood. The Buddha has explained to his disciples of historical relations of the place, where the former three Buddha hoods of this eon Kukusandha, Konagama, and Kashayapa Buddha’s relics were enshrined here in Mangala Vihara. The Buddha and the 500 disciples sat down there in Samadhi positioned for some time and ordered to have his own relic here at the same place in the future. After the ending of Samadhi meditation Buddha has given orders to the Naga King ‘’Sumana’’ who came together with Buddha to bless and care the place. Since then King Sumana has started dwelling in the area with his huge force. Having heard the story, mother of the King Sumana ‘’Queen Indaka’’ of the Naga dynasty arrived here with her 12000 ladies of the Naga dynasty to support her son.

The story of the relic

Buddha passed into Nibbana after 45 years of Great salvation to billions of people. He took his last breath at the Sala Grove of King Malla of Kusinara. The Kings organized the cremation ceremony at the Grove lifting a sandalwood crematorium to keep the Buddha’s body. After the cremation, were able to collect eight Kurunis (kind of large bowl) of sacred relics.
Sometime later King Ajasatta, King Lechchavi, and five other Kings declared war against King Malla to acquire the sacred Relics of Buddha. Having heard the threat, the teacher of King Malla a Wiseman ‘’Dhrona’’ came across a plan to resist the situation in a peaceful decision by dividing Relics into eight portions. All the Kings were happy to share Sacred Relics and the sacred forehead Relic was in the portion of King Malla.

Later, Arahath Maha Kashapa Thero (Monk) comes to know the wish of Buddha Hood, and he explains his divine wish to King Malla, Shortly there going to emerge Mangala Maha Vihara in Lanka Dveepa on the right bank of the Mahaweli River patronage by King Kavantissa, therefore the forehead relic is needed to be enshrined to complete the mission. The King had no choice but to agree to the wish.  Then Maha Kashapa ordered his student Thero ‘’Mahananda’’ to carry the relic to the Mahavana Vihara at Visala Maha Nuwara where the Buddha visited his last journey. The Thero continued venerations and daily offerings until his last breath at the same temple. At his death, he demanded his fellow Thero  "Chandragupta" to continue venerations and daily offerings to Budha. Chandragupta Thero has taken the relic to Jethavana Vihara at Sevath Nuvara to continue the venerations and daily offerings where the Buddha spent time before Viasala Maha Nuwara. At the end of his life, Thero offers the rituals to his fellow Thera "Baddhasean" to continue the daily rituals. He took the relic to Isipatana Rama temple where Buddha preached the Damsak Pawathum Sutra* and then his fellow Thera "Jayasena" continued the rituals at Veluwana Ramaya Temple. Likewise his fellow Thera "Sangarakkita" continue to do the rituals at Poshita Ramaya in Kosamba Nuwara. At last, his fellow Thera "Mahadeva" took care of the relic for delivery to Lanka Dveepa.
At the time in Lanka Dveepa, the reign of King Devanampiyatissa and his younger brother Prince Mahanaga were ruling the area of Ruhuna from Magama as a sub-king. Thero Mahadeva arrived miraculously from the sky sitting down to the shades of Sal Tree on the Kukkuta Pawuva mountain at Hattota village in Magama. Having heard of the arrival of Thero village man "Mahakala" visited to venerate the relic and the Thero. He was delighted, venerated by heart, and performed pooja for the sacred relic. In the meantime, Sub-King Mahanaga was wowed to see the relic and organized a pageant to bring the relic into the palace. The King built a relic temple to deposit the relic near the palace and performed venerations and daily offerings very respectfully. After his reign, his son King Yatalatissa, his son King Gotabaya, and then his son King Kavantissa continued the veneration and pooja of the sacred relic accordingly.

King Kavantissa in his old age been advised by the arahat Thero "ChullapindaPathika" brother of Queen Viharamaha Devi to deposit the relic where Buddha has wished on his visit to Lanaka Dveepa. 
King completed the Maha Mangala Stupa at the right place and delivered the sacred relic by Perahara via Digamadulla to Seruwawila. Regional Kings Sivaraja of Seru Nuwara, Mahanaga of Lona Nuwara, and Giri Abaya of Soma Nuwara have given patronage by supporting King Kavantissa to complete the mission to enshrine the forehead relic into the Maha Stupa. The temple named after the King as the  "Eastern Tissa Maha Rama", comprehensively emerged with a Bodhi Tree, Shrine room, and monastic complex, and continued as a major Buddhist temple on the Island. 

It says in the Buddhist books that King Kavantissa will be the father of future Maithree Bodhisattva a Wiseman "Subrahmana" and King's consort Queen Viharamaha Devi will be the mother of Bodhisattva "Brahmwathi" in the future.
As time passed, Sri Lanka was invaded by Chola, Pandiyans, Portuguese, and Dutch who continued to destroy many of the Buddhist temples including this sacred place. Huge destructions caused the civilians to move from the area to safe places leaving treasures behind, where the temple was abandoned for centuries letting the thick jungle cover all over. 

In the early 20th century, Honourable "Gintota Sri Seelakanda" MahaNayaka Maha Thero of Dodandoowe Cylabimba Ramaya* is reading Buddhist Puskola Poth* in his Arama. He was astonished when he found Pali Nalata Dathuwansa & Sinhala Dathuwansa revealing the sacred relic of Buddha hood. Honorable Maha Thera called his favorite student "DhambagasAre Sumedhankara" and gave directions to take care of the sacred forehead relic. The student Thero followed the instruction of his teacher and departed for the journey in a steamship from the Galle harbor to Trincomalee in the Buddhist year 2464 (1921 CA), after arriving there he continued to walk up to the Seruvila through the thick jungle searching the Seruvila (lake) boundaries. After completing a life-threatening journey, he found the completely destroyed mountain in the thick jangle near Seru Lake which enshrined the forehead relic of Lord Buddha. He started clearing the jungle around and re-found temple premises for conservation. He brought people to the area reclaiming cultivating lands around the temple again in the surrounding area of Seruwawila. Development work has taken place and a new temple was completed with the help of all Sri Lankan people protecting the MahaStupa which enshrined the forehead relic of Lord Buddha. The prominent Buddhist Monk appointed as the Mahanayaka Thero of Sri Kalyanawansa MahaNikaya, in his old age passed his duty to his favorite student "Seruvila Saranikitti" Thera to keep the continuation of venerations, offerings, and development work of the temple and the area. After completing his mission he took his last breath in peace.

In years after, there began brutal attacks on the people of the Island by a monster killer terrorist leader Prabakaran in the North of Sri Lanka. Monster Killer and his brutal army have killed millions of innocent people around the country with the help of local and foreign conspiracies to destroy the country's peace process. Monster killer Velupillei Prabakaran became the Governor of the North and Eastern areas of this Island killing all people outside his race, people started moving from those areas to safe places. Paddy fields become muddy lands, jangle started growing, and the MahaStupa started to be abandoned again, meantime Thera Seruvila Saranikitti is working on a project to claim the site as a world heritage from UNESCO to protect the relic stupa by addressing people around the world, never afraid to terrorist threats continue to take care of the Maha Stuap, ready for scarifies himself for his master’s sake and the pure honour to the Lord Buddha’s sacred relic.

The leaders of the local Government intervened in to situation demanding Thero to leave the area for his life. He denied the request putting himself into the guardian protector of the Maha Stupa.

Velupillei Prabakaran came to a new decision of stopping the water supply to the area by closing the Mavil Aru water channel threatening all Sri Lankans again for a brutal attack. Seruvila Saranikitti stood up for a reaction walk up to the water supply gate to request terrorists to open the waterway but didn’t work out. Thero continues to sit down on the gateway until the terrorist opens the water supply to the village committing himself to the mouth of monsters.

President Mahinda Rajapakse’s decision was finalized after trying all kinds of peaceful negotiations to open the water supply to the village. The Government forces routed all brutal terrorists including the leader within 2 years and 10 months who have continued killing for the last 30 years on this Island.

The sacred relic came to a safe inside the Maha Stupa. The villages backing up slowly into normal life with the great vision of all people in Sri Lanka.

By Eranga Jayasinghe

Ref: I have taken this complete story from the rock inscription at the site in Sinhala Language, and translated it to English with the hope of doing the best to its valuable language.
The inscription was written by the retired Professor M W Vimal Vijerathne of Sinhala and the media department of the University of Jayawardenapura to fulfill the request done by the Honourable Mahanayake Seruvila Mangala Maha ViharaAdikari, Lecturer of Rathnapura National Education Centre ‘’Munhene Mettarama’’ Thera for compact story of the sacred forehead relic of Lord Buddha.
The cost of this inscription is borne by Palugama Edmond Perris Mr, Batepola Badhuhene Hemakumara Amarasekara Mr, and Mrs. Chandani Rathnayake of Indurana.   

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Trincomalee [Sinhala: ත්‍රිකුණාමළය / Gokanna : ගෝකන්න ]

Trincomalee is famous for its beautiful beach, Pigeon Island a marine reserve, Whale watching, Konesswaram Hindu Temple, Dutch Fortress, Ancient Buddhist Temples, Hot water wells, and many more. The city is located about 108 km northeast of Dambulla, and about 134 km North of Batticaloa, the other famous beach in the Eastern province. Trinco is the Capital of the Eastern province.

The Location of the Trincomalee Harbor and the Airport strategically creates greater tension among the Western powerful nations and the Eastern rising powers, They look to take control of the region and the  Indian Ocean. The harbor was an important gateway to the Island for both the Western and Eastern traders since early times. The natural deep-water harbor has attracted seafarers like Marco Polo, Ptolemy, and sea traders from China and Eastern Asians since its ancient times. 

The conversion of Gokanna between “Tirukonamalai” first appears in a Tamil inscription dated to the 10th or 11th century AD. The ancient Buddhist temple at Gokanna called Sri Gokanna Vihara built during the reign of King Mahasen (276-303) was the earliest religious construction in Trincomalee. Being on a rock it was called Vehergala. The temple was expanded by King Agbo (718-724 AD). In the 10th & 11th centuries, Hindu influences took place to a greater extent, and the Portuguese demolished both Buddhist and Hindu temples making South Asia’s biggest fortress in Trincomalee.
By Eranga Jayasinghe

Seruvila Royal Buddhist Temple (Raja Maha Vihara)

An ancient Royal Patronage Buddhist Temple situated near the west side of Ullackalie Lagoon in Trincomalee district in the Eastern province of Sri Lanka.
Can reach there in several ways, from Trincomalee 44 km towards the south on the A-15 national roadway, and then B-347 (by B-347, 50 km) or the next road after the B-347 towards the south. From Kantale it is about 51 km on the B-10 roadway towards the east. From Polonnaruwa, it is about 121 km by the A-11 roadway towards the east and then the A-15 roadway towards the north. From Batticaloa just 97 km by A-15 strait towards the north.  

What is enshrined in the Stupa (Pagoda) - The sacred forehead relic of Lord Buddha.
The King Kawantissa of Ruhuna in the 2nd century BC, received the sacred relic for his custody and patronage through the lineage of his royal ancestors.  By the wish of Lord Buddha the King brought the Relic from Magampura to the present premises at the border of ‘’Seru Lake’’ which is close to the Rock Cave ‘’Waraha’’ on the right bank of the Mahaweli River.

The records of ancient chronicles such as Pali Nȧlata Dhatuwansa, Jinakalamali, and Sinhala Dhatuwansa explain that The Lord Gauthama Buddha visited here with five hundred Arahath (enlightened) monks on his 3rd visit to Sri Lanka in the 8th year after becoming the Great Buddha hood. The Buddha has explained to his disciples of historical relations of the place, where the former three Buddha hoods of this eon Kukusandha, Konagama, and Kashayapa Buddha’s relics were enshrined here in Mangala Vihara. The Buddha and the 500 disciples sat down there in Samadhi positioned for some time and ordered to have his own relic here at the same place in the future. After the ending of Samadhi meditation Buddha has given orders to the Naga King ‘’Sumana’’ who came together with Buddha to bless and care the place. Since then King Sumana has started dwelling in the area with his huge force. Having heard the story, mother of the King Sumana ‘’Queen Indaka’’ of the Naga dynasty arrived here with her 12000 ladies of the Naga dynasty to support her son.

The story of the relic

Buddha has attended Nibbana after 45 years of Great salvation given to billions of people. He took his last breath at the Sala Grove of King Malla of Kusinara. The Kings organized the cremation ceremony at the Grove lifting a sandalwood crematorium to keep the Buddha’s body. After the cremation were able to collect eight Kurunis (kind of large bowl) of sacred relics.
Sometime later King Ajasatta, King Lechchavi, and five other Kings were demanding a war against King Malla to have the sacred Relics of Buddha for themselves. Having heard the bad news the teacher of King Malla Wiseman ‘’Dhrona’’ was able to prevent the situation controlling Kings to come to a peaceful decision dividing Relics into eight portions. All the Kings were happy to share Sacred Relics and the sacred forehead Relic was in the portion of King Malla.
Arahath Maha Kashapa Thera comes to know the wish of Buddha Hood, he explains his divine wish to the King, there is going to build a Mangala Maha Vihara in Lanka Dveepa on the right banks of the Mahaweli River by the King Kavantissa. Therefore the forehead relic is needed to be there to complete the mission. For that purpose, I demanded the relic of the forehead. Then Maha Kashapa ordered his student Thera ‘’Mahananda’’ to carry the relic up to the Mahavana Vihara at Visala Maha Nuwara where the Buddha Hood lived his last journey. He continued venerations and daily offerings until his last breath at the same temple. At his last, he demanded his fellow Thera ‘’ Chandragupta’’ to continue venerations. Thera, Chandragupta had taken the relic to Jethavana Vihara at Sevath Nuvara to continue the venerations and daily offerings where the Buddha hood used to live earlier. At the end of his life, he was asking his fellow Thera ‘’Baddhasean’’ to continue the rituals. He took the relic to Isipatana Rama temple where Buddha preached the Damsak Pawathum Sutra* and then his fellow Thera ‘’Jayasena’’ continued the rituals at Veluwana  Ramaya Temple. Likewise his fellow Thera ‘’Sangarakkita’’ continue to do the rituals at Poshita Ramaya in Kosamba Nuwara. At last, his fellow Thera Mahadeva took care of the relic for delivery to Lanka Dveepa.
It was the reign of King Devanampiyatissa and his younger brother Prince Mahanaga ruling the area of Ruhuna from Magama as a sub-king. Thera Mahadeva arrived by air down to the shades of Sal Tree on the mountain called Kukkuta Pawuva at Hattota village in Magama. Having heard of the arrival of Thera village man Mahakala visited to venerate the relic. He was delighted venerated by heart, and performed pooja for the sacred relic. Sub-King Mahanaga was wowed to see the relic and was able to bring the relic to the palace by Perahara festival with the permission of Mahadeva Thera and Mahakala, the village man. He built a relic temple to deposit the relic near the palace and performed venerations and pooja to the sacred relic. After his reign, his son King Yatalatissa, his son King Gotabaya and then his son King Kavantissa continued the veneration and pooja to the sacred relic accordingly.

King Kavantissa in his old age been advised by the arahath Thera ‘’ChullapindaPathika’’ brother of Queen Viharamaha Devi to deposit the relic where Buddha has wished on his visit to Lanaka Dveepa. 
King completed the Maha Mangala Stupa at the right place and delivered the sacred relic by Perahara via Digamadulla to Seruvila. Regional Kings Sivaraja of Seru Nuwara, Mahanaga of Lona Nuwara, and Giri Abaya of Soma Nuwara have given patronage by supporting King Kavantissa to complete the mission to enshrine the forehead relic into the Maha Stupa. The temple named after the King, Eastern Tissa Maha Rama, completed with a Bodhi Tree, Shrine room, and monastic complex continued as a major Buddhist temple in the Island. It is said that King Kavantissa will be the father of future Maithree Bodhisattva a Wiseman ‘’Subrahmana’’ and Queen Viharamaha Devi will be the mother of Bodhisattva ‘’Brahmwathi’’ in the future.
As time passed Sri Lanka was invaded by Chola, Pandiyans, Portuguese, and Dutch who continued to destroy many of the Buddhist temples including this sacred place. Huge destructions caused to move people from the area where abandoned for centuries covering the area with thick jungle.

In the early 20th century, Honourable ‘’Gintota Sri Seelakanda’’ MahaNayaka Maha Thera of Dodandoowe Cylabimba Ramaya* is reading Buddhist Puskola Poth* in his Arama. He was astonished when found Pali Nalata Dathuwansa & Sinhala Dathuwansa revealing the sacred relic of Buddha hood. Honorable Maha Thera called his favorite student ‘’DhambagasAre Sumedhankara’’ there gave directions to take care of the sacred relic. The student Thera followed the instruction of his teacher and departed for the journey in a steamship from the Galle harbor to Trincomalee in the Buddhist year 2464 (1921 CA), after arriving there he continued to walk up to the Seruvila through the thick jungle searching the Seruvila (lake) boundaries. After completing life life-threatening journey he was able to find the completely destroyed mountain in the thick jangle near Seru Lake which enshrined the forehead relic of Lord Buddha. He started clearing the jungle around and re-found temple premises for conservation. He brought people to the area reclaiming cultivating lands around the temple again in the surrounding area of Seruvila. Development work has taken place and a new temple was completed with the help of all Sri Lankan people protecting the MahaStupa which enshrined the forehead relic of Lord Buddha. The prominent Buddhist Monk appointed as the Mahanayaka Thera of Sri Kalyanawansa MahaNikaya, in his old age passed his duty to his favorite student ‘’Seruvila Saranikitti’’ Thera to keep the continuation of venerations, offerings, and development work of the temple and the area. After completing his mission he took his last breath in peace.

In years after, meantime there began brutal attacks on the people on the Island by a monster killer terrorist leader Prabakaran in the North of Sri Lanka. Monster Killer and his brutal army have killed millions of innocent people around the country with the help of local and foreign conspiracies to destroy the country's peace process. Monster killer Velupillei Prabakaran became the Governor of the North and Eastern areas of this Island killing all people outside his race, people started moving from the area to safe places. Paddy fields become muddy lands, jangle started growing, and the MahaStupa started to be abandoned again, meantime Thera Seruvila Saranikitti is working on a project to claim the site as a world heritage from UNESCO to protect the relic stupa by addressing people around the world, never afraid to terrorist threats continue to take care of the Maha Stuap, ready for scarifies himself for his master’s sake and the pure honour to the Lord Buddha’s sacred relic.

The leaders of the local Government intervened in to situation demanding Thera to leave the area for life. He denied the request putting himself to the guardian protector of the Maha Stupa.

Velupillei Prabakaran came to a new decision of stopping the water supply to the area by closing the Mavil Aru water channel threatening all Sri Lankans again for a brutal attack. Seruvila Saranikitti stood up for a reaction walk up to the water supply gate to request terrorists to open the waterway but didn’t work. Thera continues to sit down on the gateway until the terrorist opens the water supply to the village committing himself to the mouth of monsters.

President Mahinda Rajapakse’s decision was finalized after trying all kinds of peaceful negotiations to open the water supply to the village. His forces routed all brutal terrorists including the leader within 2 years and 10 months who has continued killing for the last 30 years on this Island.
The sacred relic came to a safe inside the Maha Stupa, villages backing up slowly into normal life with the great vision of all people in Sri Lanka.

By Eranga Jayasinghe

Ref: I have taken this complete story from the rock inscription at the site in Sinhala Language, and translated it to English with the hope of doing the best to its valuable language.
The inscription was written by the retired Professor M W Vimal Vijerathne of Sinhala and the media department of the University of Jayawardenapura to fulfill the request done by the Honourable Mahanayake Seruvila Mangala Maha ViharaAdikari, Lecturer of Rathnapura National Education Centre ‘’Munhene Mettarama’’ Thera for compact story of the sacred forehead relic of Lord Buddha.
The cost of this inscription is borne by Palugama Edmond Perris Mr, Batepola Badhuhene Hemakumara Amarasekara Mr, and Mrs. Chandani Rathnayake of Indurana.   

Velgama Vihara 

This temple is situated on Trincomalee Anuradhapura road (A12) about 15 km Northeast of Trincomalee town. There is a sine board erected on the A-12 highway at the beginning of the B-447 secondary road running towards the ancient temple complex. 

The archaeological heritage found in the 19th century and conservation work has been taken place since then. However, the LTTE (Liberation Tamil Tigers of Elam) controlled of area for the last 30 years until September 2009, when the temple was again abandoned. In the year 2000, there was a brutal attack by LTTE killing many innocent devotees including children for no reason. Chief monk is surviving after serious surgery from the attack.

According to the archaeological explanations this temple was built here during the 3rd century BC by King Devanampiyatissa who ruled the country from Anuradhapura and was known as who become the first Buddhist in modern history of the country. Architectural designs and building planning are very similar to the ruins found in Anuradhapura in the same period.
The temple has been renovated and developed by many Kings and Quins from the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa periods with good evidence of Hindu architectural influences.

A rock inscription was found at the temple in the Tamil language, proving that there were Tamil Buddhist devotees who looked after this temple in the early centuries. According to some historians, that inscription story is about a Tamil cattle farming lady who donated her income to the temple after selling her cow milk.
The temple was completed with all elements of Buddhist temples including the Bodhi Tree, Relic Chamber (Thupa), and Image house. There are two images of Buddha, a reclining statue and a standing statue in the main shrine room. The main shrine building is more influenced by South Indian architecture. At the entrance of the shrine room could see 4 smaller shrine rooms on both sides believed to have placed 4 images of Buddhas' of this eon.
Unfortunately, all statues were destroyed including the building itself but the main statue at the center remains in good condition in Abya Muddra.
The reclining Buddha statue only be considered from the remaining brickwork which is not be able to understood some one who is not familiar with Buddhist monuments. 
Bodhi Tree premises are easy to identify with its wall and the decoration but there is no Bodhi Tree alive anymore at the premises.
The Relic chamber has been destroyed, which was restored up to certain level to indicate the fact that a complete Stupa was rising to the sky. Relics enshrined here are not sure where I haven't found any related story yet.

By: Eranga Jayasinghe 
Ref: I visited the temple with 13 Canadian and American tourists on 10th April 2013. They came on a cruise to the Trincomalee port and we went on a sightseeing tour. We met the chief monk and he told us the story of the LTTE attack in the year 2000. In a small room at the temple display some pictures taken soon after the attack. Also, he showed us, the healed wounded marks on his stomach by the Tamil Tigers' attack.
Historic relations were briefed by Mr. Hettiarachchi who is a retired officer of the Sri Lanka Tourism Authority on the day before when we visited the site for pre-studies of the history.     

Saturday, August 24, 2019


The Rock Fortress complex and archaeological site is located in the Mahawa Divisional Secretariat in the Northwestern Province of Sri Lanka. It is about 140 km northeast of Colombo on Anuradhapura highway via Kurunegala, approximately 8 km east on the Maho road from Daladagama Junction.
Yapahuwa takes a prominent place in history. According to the chronical Bodhivamsa Yapahuwa was known as Sundara Giri Pavuvva in the third century B.C. during the reign of King Devanampiyatissa. It was named Subhavala and Subhagiripura when General Subha converted it into a fortress for security reasons. In the Dalada Pujavaliya it is known as ‘Ayo Parvata’.

Yapahuwa, became the 4th official capital of Sri Lanka in the latter 13th century in the years between 1273 -1284, built on a huge 90 meters high tall boulder rock. Built by King Buvanekabahu I (1272–1284) in the year 1273. Many traces of ancient battle defenses can still be seen at Yapahuwa. On top of the rock are the remains of a Stupa, a Bodhi tree enclosure, and a rock shelter cave used by Buddhist monks in late Yapahuwa period. There are several caves at the base of the rock. In one of them there is a shrine with Buddha images. One cave has a Brahmi script inscription. At the southern base of the rock there is a fortification with two moats and ramparts. In this enclosure there are the remains of a number of buildings including a Buddhist shrine. There is also a Buddhist temple called Yapahuwa Rajamaha Vihara built during the Kandy period.
The Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha brought here from Dambadeniya (3rd Capital City) and kept in the Tooth Relic Temple built at the highest place. The Sacred Relics were taken away to south India by Pandyan invaders and then recovered Tooth Relic in 1288 by Parakkramabahu III the Great (1287–1293).

Archaeological & Architectural Importance;
Yapahuwa abound a variety of features of archaeological importance. The fortification and the moat, which extend from west end of the Southern part of the rock are connected to the other side of the rock in the shape of a horse shoe. There are no buildings of any historical value in the outer city. Tiles, potsherds and bricks are strewn everywhere in the vicinity of the outer city.

The fortress is 4 meters in height and 22 meters in width. Bastions may have existed on the rampart as suggested by the square shaped structures on it. The well planned citadel consists of a rampart and a moat. The stone slabs are put in place on both sides of the rampart and had been filled with metal. In the citadel where the water is being collected, two sluices made of stone are built to take away the collected water to the nearby drain.

Though the foundation of the square building near the closest steps of the stairway has been named as the Assembly Hall, no evidence can be found to prove it. Three flights of steps have been connected to enter the building. The stone pillars close to the walls inside the building can be seen but no pillars can be found in the middle. The foundation of the buildings generally known as the king’s palace can be seen as a square shaped platform. On the flight of steps leading to the foundation there are two balustrade stones with simple carvings. To the west of the Assembly Hall there is a rectangular shaped foundation of a building 66.30 meters in length and 6.60 meters in breadth.

The stone stairway is very impressive among the ancient structures at Yapahuwa. Four tiers have been constructed on the steep embankment of the rock and had been connected to the walkway up to the Tooth Relic Temple. To enter the first tier, twenty four steps have to be climbed. After fourteen steps there is a broad landing. To get into the second tier from the first tier, a stairway with sixty five steps built on a steep embankment has to be climbed. The railing of the stairway is made of boxes becoming smaller and smaller in size when reaching the top. After getting into the square platform, the building identified as the Temple of the Tooth Relic, the doorway and the beautiful flight of steps can be seen. This stairway contains sculptures with a high degree of excellence and gives the impression that they had been painted in colour. Influence of South Indian architectural features is highlighted in these sculptures. Sophisticated sculptures on both sides of the flight of steps have a similarity and contain figures of a dwarf, a female dancer and a graceful figure of a female. The next railing is a balustrade with a carving of the face of a Kihimbi (a lion face). On this balustrade two stylized figures of a lion in the kneeling posture have been sculptured.

On the second half of this flight of steps, figures of dwarfs and Gajasimha (a mythical lion) have been sculptured. The lower half of the doorway of the top tier has been decorated with borders and the middle section borders have been sculptured with a dancing female, male figures, musicians etc. In front of the doorway decorated pillars and in the middle of the entrance a stone door frame with various sculptures exist.

After the doorway, the foundation of the Temple of the Tooth is to be met. Remains of various foundations of buildings, a stupa, ponds, water sprouts, retaining walls, stone steps are found as well. Out of the forty caves at Yapahuwa 25 of them are with drip-ledges. Inscriptions are found under the drip-ledges of some of these caves.

By Eranga Suneth Jayasinghe (NTGL)
Copyright Reff: Department of Archaeology -Sri Lanka 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thupa / Sthupa

Thupa is the relic chambers which are definitely seen in every Buddhist temples. In common relic chambers are generally built out from bricks from bottom to top and centre to the outer line making its circular shape of all different styles of Stupa found in Sri Lanka. Regardless of its size it has been pilling up with small bricks over and over to uniform its unique  structure without keeping any space open inside the monument.  Sacred Relics are deposited at the centre of the monument in a special granite deposit  box right up of the 3rd circular platform which is the second elevation of the foundation underneath. The circle platforms gradually bring a shorter diameter making encircled steps like around the thupa.  On top this platform set up the chamber house. And at the top of rounded chamber house or heaped pointed chamber house building a squire shape box which dedicated for Gods (Deavata Kotuwa). On top of the heavenly box starting up the pinnacle platform pointing up for a shape of cone (Pesawalalu). And top of that place the golden pinnacle with very clear cut and polished crystal. To symbolise purity, all thupas in Sri Lanka are plastered  with white choke powder which can be painted easily.

The above described symbolic shape of the Thupa founded by Sri Lankans which are different to the ancient thupa of India. Heaven and the Pesawalalu couldn’t be seen of those tupa like Sanchi vihar. These unique structures are  very indigenous to Sri Lanka later influenced to the Buddhist countries of the world. For Buddhist devotees thupa is a special monument to venerate Lord Buddha paying their respect to Lord Buddha's relic which enshrined in all ancient thupas of all over the world.   

Apart from the religious important thupa may be have another way of using for cultivations. There I have read a news paper article written by a scholar (A professor, don't remember his name, news paper name and the date published but some where in 2011-12), in his article explains that Sri Lankan thupa architectural engineering were far more advance than common purpose of veneration. He explain that ancient engineers are planed to set huge thupa like Ruvanveliseya, Abaygiriya, Jetavanramaya, etc having another reason to help the country. According to his explains, that in many of the huge thupas were engineered for lightning absorbing power erecting metallic bar in the centre middle of the thupa found during the excavation of ancient thupas.  In his latter he claim that ancient man were aware about the nitrogen that comes down to the earth with rain after lightning,  therefore large thupa might erected for both purposes specially remarkable innovation for Buddhist agricultural civilisation.

The shapes and styles of Thupa
They can be identified in different shapes from the style of the entire building. Commonly seen styles are,
Water bubble shape     =    Bubbula kara
Paddy heap shape         =    Dhanya kara
Bell shape                         =    Ghanta kara
Pot shape                          =    Ghata kara

Other two shapes can be seen but not very common
Lotus shape                      =    Padma kara
Embolic Fruit shape      =    Amla kara

Irrespective of traditional architecture, there are modern monuments in some Buddhist temples like Kalutara where inside of thupa making as a gallery and a image house of Buddha hood.  But in the other hand in ancient world some small thupa in height has been housed in side pillared roof like WataDhage in Polonnaruwa and Madirigiriya, Thuparama and Lankarama in Anuradhapuara.

Thupas are very sacred to common people in Sri Lanka probably other Buddhist countries too.   Simply can be seen at any where for the purpose of relic container. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

History of The History

Uniquely the country has documented history beginning in the 6th century BC. Apart from that there are prehistoric folk stories still alive within the society. Some villages have unique names that named after the incidents in prehistoric times. Yaka ( Devil/Demon) is just a noun that even today we use for many occasions. Sometimes we call our friends ''MEHE WAREN YAKO'' (Meaning ''Come over here mate'') of course this is sometimes used by parents to their children in a fit of forcing anger. Sometimes it can be a foolish way of asking your friend to come closer. Also, it is a command from a master to his co-person. Like wise there are many ways that you can use this same noun 'monster' by changing the voice, tone and changing features of your face.

So who is this Yaka? It is one of the oldest noun that we know from history. Ancient story books tell us the stories of Demons, Devils, and Naga (another tribe who are guardians of water and representing them selves as Cobras) who ruled the country in prehistoric times.

Interestingly, day to day life we are still using the words of very early stages. The culture is always interconnected with its core. However, things have been changed with introduction of Buddhist philosophic ideas. Abstract the best of the best all over and left to the world everything it has absorbed. The country is for every one to come and learn. It is your part that, how generous you are to keep this nation greener and greener for another couple of thousand years.  

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Man On The Land

The Bible does the easy good work of introducing man to Earth. Science has been looking into deep inside the life. At last science will not find any answers for how did the life begun but will look in to replace the electronic creature in to the future. I know there are theories about it but life is much longer than it is on Earth.

We are human, where are we going? Do you have an idea about your destination? I don't know how many of you do. However, we are all defend our self with what we believe, of course it is easy to survive, it always keep us happy. At the end of the day all scientists, and all scholars come to a solution as describe in the Bible though they are critically looking for answers.

It is fortunate or unfortunate that I can't stop there and waiting to hear the same story again. Here in my country there is a different theory about the life and its' end. It is debatable, logical and scientific.